A week ago I updated to ChemDraw 18. Since then i have not been able to paste a structure from ChemDraw into Word without issue. A properly formatted structure in ChemDraw will end up with all atom labels having the stacked alignment. Note - this is not just for labels in the middle of a chain, rather, labels at the end also take on a stacked alignment. Even subscripts will line up vertically rather - a different behavior than a "Stacked Vertically" text alignment option applied within ChemDraw.
Copies of the docx, cdx, and a pdf are included at the following link: https://pitt.box.com/s/tmczz867u5js4hfxzpmufl9a5elcolsf
So far I have uninstalled ChemOffice, restarted, and reinstalled. No luck.
Any ideas?