Round trip editing just died in the last few weeks! On my MacBook Pro, running High Sierra, with Chemdraw 17 (specifically (131) shown in the "about" menu) and the MS word from Office 365 (version 16.8 (171210) in "about") I don't even get an image transferred when I copy and then paste into word. It looks like a SMILES string, but is too simple for the complexity of my graphics. With "paste special" I can force a graphic to be pasted, but it's dead upon return to Chemdraw. Pasting into Powerpoint (same Office suite) appears the same as "paste special" to Word: it does deliver an image that can scale (I think it's .pdf format) but is a dead graphic when I attempt to move it back into Chemdraw. Even old Word files where I used to be able to pull the image out and edit it now only give me a dead graphical block when I pick a chemdraw graphic out and pull it into the current version. Very frustrating. Since both tools have been updated in the last few months, I can't say which to blame.